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Welcome to BCYS!

Learn! Know! Grow!

            Servicing Ages 2-12yrs





Welcome to B.C.Y.S Childcare Learning Center! We believe that good childcare depends upon consistent caregiving in a center-based atmosphere. Children grow and learn best in a safe environment that provides opportunities to explore, create and communicate with other children and adults. These groups function independently but cooperatively, following program routines appropriate to individual needs. The preschool program at BCYS is designed to be inclusive of all children in Baldwin County including those with identified disabilities and special learning and developmental needs. BCYS’ childcare program is designed to include both planned and spontaneous activities in response to children’s interests. Experiences with music, movement, art, language and building are incorporated into daily plans. Regularly scheduled snacks and meals, rest time, indoor and outdoor play, and routines in physical caregiving promotes the child’s health, comfort and ability to care for his/herself. BCYS Childcare Learning Center provides maximum flexibility for the children as a group and as individuals.

BCYS is also child-based; encouraging positive self-image, to learn inner controls and to cooperate with peers and caregivers. Clearly defined limits help them recognize and accept their emotions and express their feelings as they grow and feel secure in the world around them. 



STAFF/CAREGIVERS Our staff are trained and evaluated to ensure that they possess the necessary skills when providing care for your child. Staff members are required to meet a certain amount of child-care training hours throughout the year. They are trained in first aid, CPR, child abuse, disease control, childhood injury control, and fire safety. Ongoing training year round.

*We ask parents to ensure that their child is completely toilet trained prior to enrollment in the Preschool classroom, those who are not can remain in the Toddler 2 classroom until toilet training is achieved.


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